Did you say you want to buy some product? Posted on October 11, 2018 by jlesser Tit Wrench – Why Question Authority? Tit Wrench – Full Employment Tit Wrench – OK You Homos, Out of the Car Tit Wrench – 8-11-96 (Live) Men’s Recovery Project – Frank Talk About Humans
For the love of god, please make a Bandcamp or something to put up the label’s back catalogue so I can die satisfied. HavevaH a wonderfulufrednow dayad. Reply ↓
For the love of god, please make a Bandcamp or something to put up the label’s back catalogue so I can die satisfied.
HavevaH a wonderfulufrednow dayad.
so expensive material
which is carried out by the printing
handwritten books were made,
number of surviving European
, text and illustrations to which
from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]
Thank you!!1
Manuscript is a collective name for texts
written on the parchment was scratched out
manuscripts attributed to Robins
handwritten by the author.
text carrier and protective
Middle Ages as in Western